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8 Best Teas for Cold and Flu
When you’re sick with a cold or the flu, one of the most beloved and long standing home remedies is…
Yoga for Si Joint Pain Relief - Best Poses and Practices
Lower back pain is one of the more common, yet most frustrating medical problems out there. It negatively affects all…
The 10 Best Foods to Eat for Arthritis
Most of us realize that our diet can make or break our health. When it comes to arthritis, a condition…
10 Foods to Avoid With Joint Pain
Joint pain is a frustrating health problem because it impairs our mobility, our freedom to move on our own with…
Is Yoga Good for Aching Joints? These 3 Studies May Surprise You
When your joints hurt, exercise of any kind can feel like a scary task. Not only might it hurt to…
Can Coffee Cause a Urinary Tract Infection?
Chances are, you are a coffee drinker. You know how I know that? Around 83% of adults in the United…
Common Sleep Problems Women Have After 50
Many women 50 and over have a real problem they’re dealing with frequently: they can’t sleep. Or maybe they can’t fall…
Foods Never To Eat While Pregnant
Every human being on earth needs to pay close attention to their diet to lead not only a healthy, but…
Add These Gluten-Free Foods to Your Diet to Improve Kidney Health
The gluten-free diet has become the eating craze of our time. Most grocery stores have a gluten-free section. Most restaurants have…
The Link Between Dehydration and UTIs
We have been hearing it non-stop for years: drink more water! Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably…
How To Choose The Perfect Length For Your Hair Step-by-Step
When I was a little kid, everyone always complemented my long hair, which was down to my waist. As a…
Hard Water: What the Heck is this Gray Gunk in My Hair?
You just moved from one state to another, or maybe even just across town. You take a shower, wash your hair…
Why Do Women Grow Facial Hair
Beards may look incredibly sexy on men, but when it comes to the ladies, a beard can be one of…
8 Essential Hand and Finger Exercises for Arthritis Pain Relief
If you have been diagnosed with arthritis, you're not alone. This condition ranks as the leading cause of disability in…
Sex and UTIs: 2 Rules to Remember
When we talk about safe sex, we are normally referring to condoms, contraceptive pills, and blood screenings for sexually transmitted…
Meditation and Sleep Techniques That Help You Sleep Through The Night
Meditation is a trendy buzzword these days. It is what all the “cool” celebrities and influencers are doing. And sometimes when…
Researchers Find The Best Relaxing Music that Makes You Fall Asleep Faster
The National Institute of Health reports that for 50 to 70 million Americans, getting adequate sleep each night is a…
Studies Reveal How Acupuncture Can Effectively Treat Insomnia
When thinking of ways to fall asleep, poking yourself with needles most likely won’t show up in the first 400…
The Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Drinks
Inflammation is the body’s natural reaction to an acute or chronic stressor – typically an illness or an injury. In…
8 Simple Tricks to Fall Asleep Fast
It’s approaching the early hours, and once again you’re lying in bed wide-awake. There’s an important meeting in work tomorrow…
13 of the Best Natural Anti Inflammatory Foods
Inflammation get’s a lot of bad press, but it is actually a natural bodily process that acts to speed up…
The Surprising Links Between Exercise And Insomnia
Chronic insomnia is an unfortunate condition that affects countless people worldwide. Men and women, young and old – it seems…
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